Friday, July 18, 2008


After planning for several months to travel to Madonna (actually it is spelled Madona), we finally made it yesterday. Steve, Laura, Olegs and I went to look at a church building that Madona Baptist Church is constructing.

They are currently in a two-story house and are erecting this building adjacent to the existing house. Most of the labor has been performed by the congregation themselves. They do not have electricity or restrooms operational but they are already meeting in this new building.

Cesis Baptist Church also has a dream to be in their own building (they currently meet in a Lutheran church). We have had many conversations with both Americans and Latvians on how this congregation can accomplish their dream. They have been meeting in the Lutheran church since 1973 so even though they do not own it, there is still a long tradition of worshipping there.

Can our small church financially support constructing their own building? Should they buy and remodel or build entirely new? How much should American Christians support them and in what way? (funding?; funding, labor and materials?; a combination of these?) The Latvians are seeking these answers as well as answering the biggest question: "Is this what God wants done at this time?" Secondly, which philosophy do they follow? Build it and they will come or they will come and then we build.

The trip to Madonna helped all of us better understand  the technical ideas that will have to be examined. It is going to be a big, big step for this church in which ever direction they choose. Please pray for our entire congregation to have inspired wisdom and to be of 'one mind' when the final decisions are made.

Here are a few pictures from the project at Madona. They still have to finish the interior walls, add flooring, lights, and stucco the exterior. Still they have made really good progress. Unless you have been here, It is hard to imagine how difficult even a project of this size is for a church in Latvia. They are to be commended and admired for their hard work.


Interior (pews can be moved and re-arranged).

This facing where the pulpit would be located.



Looking from the pulpit area towards the back.

There will be a double door where the scaffolding is located.



Windows only on one side of building because of view on other side(private home).



This will be stained glass. Will be behind the pulpit.



The youth of the church actually did most of the work installing the wood sheathing.



Exterior will be finished in stucco.



Back of the house where the Madona Church currently meets. It will eventually be connected

to the new building.



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