Tuesday, March 25, 2008


March 25
Commemoration Day of Victims of Communist Terror

On this day in 1949, a total of 43 000 people were deported from Latvia to Siberia - mainly prosperous peasants, regarded by the Soviet occupation regime as alien to communist ideology and the principles of collectivism.


There was a short ceremony today unveiling a plaque on a building near our flat. Basically, it states that starting in the 1940's this building was the location of the Soviet secret police "Cheka". There were numerous people tortured, humiliated and killed there.

We sometimes wonder why the Latvian culture seems so different to us. When you see and hear of the things that went on during the 'Regime', you understand a little better.

I knew that the street we live on had some type of importance during Communist times but I wasn't exactly sure to what degree. I will try to find someone to help me understand more of the history of this location.

Today, this building is used for the prosecutor's office of the justice system.



The plaque that was unveiled:


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