Basically, we ask each student to take a long-stemmed flower, attach a note that contains a scripture and anything else they want to write on it. They then go through-out the town and find someone they want to give the flower to. The only rule we have is that it cannot be given to someone that they already know. Of course, the first question the students get is "Why do you want to give this to me?" followed by "What's the catch?". We have tried to prepare them for the occasional rude response or belligerence but it has really gone great. After establishing a dialogue with the person they then ask if it would be ok if they (the student) prayed for them in the coming week? If they get a 'yes', then they ask if there is anything specific they can pray for them about. Our kids have been surprised how open some of the people have been in their requests.
Our purpose in this is two-fold: to get the students used to doing something without the promise of a tangible reward and secondly, to get them to become bolder as they approach people they don't know. If they are ever going to present their own testimony they are going to have to become a lot more open to other people. This culture is one that can be sometimes intimidating if you don't know the person and strangers are not always welcome to just begin a conversation.
We hope this type of servant-evangelism will help these students in the future as they go out into the world to witness and live a Christian life.
For some reason I only have pictures of the girls but we had about 15 boys and girls participating on Wednesday night.
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